Tuesday, January 3, 2012

New Year, New Post, Old Topic

First post for a very, very long time, and the first for 2012 - after all, those New Year's resolutions take a couple of days to come into effect - and I'm going to continue where I left off. The topic, if you can stand it, will be the same as before, polyphasic sleeping (another NY resolution evidently).

The last couple of posts on the topic from way back in the white nights of June when I was struggling with it even then are here and here, and an in depth explanation (from a very smart person who carried out the experiment successfully albeit in a more conducive environment than mine I would think) can be read here, but in the meantime I am embarking, crazily enough, on the Dymaxion schedule, supposedly the hardest one and supposedly followed by Buckminster Fuller, the inventor of Geodesics, which involves four naps of half an hour each, one every six hours.

Next week when the holiday is over I won't be able to do that anyway, and my schedule will necessitate a long stretch of more like nine hours in the afternoon/evening, but I may not make it that far anyway, let's see. Oh, and we'll call this day zero...

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