Another great post from the inactively-folicled one, which kind of echoes something which he (and consequently I) had posted on a couple of days ago, that of fearing things which ain't actually going to come to pass anyway.
He homes in this time on something which I've increasingly come to realize is bollocks, that of fretting over tiny little bits and pieces of money, easy to do, rather than, for want of a less grating phrase, getting the bigger picture. In other words, that old 'catch the pennies..' myth. If that is all you do, then pennies is all you are likely to get (and nowadays they're presumably worth even less in real terms than when this old adage was not so old).
He even, in an assertion that I can only sit back and admire, makes the claim that money worries are merely the lizard brain in action (see this post for more on that).
So if one can stop running on lizard power and/or behaving like a hoary old puritanical maid during rationing times, maybe this so-called crisis would up sticks and f*ck off.
Easy to say. Harder to implement. But then the truth often is.
I wonder what the back says…
1 day ago