Tuesday, May 25, 2010

60 Years Of The PMC - Red Purge

First posted 28 May 1959..

The Ninja has been removed forthwith from the roster of the Puumajacrew's staff for overtly pro-Soviet sentiments.

The PMC - It Solves To Be Improved...

You can have a lot of fun with this random mission statement generator:

So, the PMC is happy to announce that:

"Our efforts involve demonstrating the full range of our dynamic metamorphosis with quality solutions and improved returns at all levels".

Then run it through babelfish, English to Japanese, then back again, for that authentic Engrish look and it becomes:

"It solves to be improved, fact of quality that is included, which the full range of our effort our dynamic is shown the return, make become deformed and all levels."

...so there we have it.
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