Thursday, September 2, 2010

What's Right In Russia?

I haven't read all of it yet, but what I've read has been somewhat illuminating.

I'm referring to the report  "What 10 Years of Putin Have Brought" (available in English)...well, amongst other things, what they have bought is more and more corruption (according to one index their ranking puts them alongside such allumni as Zimbabwe and Sierra Leone), hugely rising gas prices, a population fall of some half a million a year, a lack of activity in the face of the fact that per capita consumption of pure alcohol could be as high as 18 litres per person per year (when the World Health Organisation cites half of that figure being a critical level, over which consumption has an effect on mortality rates)..oh, and that's before we get on to the winter olympics being hosted in the hottest part of the country. Suddenly I'm feeling a lot better about the impending London olympics.

Since the FSB have been seizing copies left right and centre, and the host website has suffered Denial of Service attacks, we can only conclude that there is something in it..

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