This good article on the Economist website discusses the BBC and how the new Government in the UK seems to be putting pressure on it to change - whereas I had previously thought that was the preserve of the Blair/Brown administration.
The BBC does annoy me it has to be said: it seems to think it's the senior broadcasting service in the world (probably because it is) and has a habit I've never been able to get my head round of seemingly suddenly and unilaterally aribrtating on how, for example, place names should be rendered (yes, I remember when Beijing was Peking) which people assume must be correct 'cos, well, hey it's the BBC. Not that this really matters of course, but they could at least explain these things.
But this article puts forward the fairly convincing case that, insofar as it goes, the BBC is a good thing, its journalism is largely honest and comparatively balanced (Fox News anyone?!) and it doesn't need much in the way of tinkering with, particularly by governments.
I'd still pay a licence fee if I lived in the UK...
I wonder what the back says…
1 day ago
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