Saturday, July 24, 2010

60 Years Of The PMC - A New Contributor

2010 marks the 60th anniversary of the launch of the PMC. Yes, it's impossible to believe, but that's because it is impossible. To mark this auspicious occasion the PMC will be taking a retrospective of some of the outstanding posts of the past six decades. From Cold War to Coldplay and from Ban the Bomb to Ban the Burka, every decade will be represented, and includes highlights from some of the most talked about of contributors...Bertrand Russell, Hunter S. Thompson, Roman Polanski, Roald Dahl and Limahl from Kajagoogoo, to name but a few - none of them contributed to the PMC's pages (oh, hold on a second, Limahl had a regular section in the early 80s). 1973 saw the addition of a new member to the PMC bureau. Andrew Whyte was a youth just out of hospital, who was initially set to the tasks that noone else had thought of doing, and, in the face of overwhelming criticism from the old school (Benedict Francis Kentigern in particular) stuck it out through thick and thin (mosly thick) and still tenuously holds his post today.. First posted on 11 December 1973.
Right. What am I going to write about, can't find anything in my book of quotations for the day to purloin. Hmm, did anyone insult me today. No. Is there a TV show I've just remembered which I can nostalgically place a youtube clip about? No, not that either. Hmm, and I'm not going to resort to sarcasm, that's just something I wouldn't ever do. Well, let's just resort to the default approach of ridiculing people in the public eye...ok, anyone notice how that Martin McGuiness from the IRA looks like a kind of bucolic Art Garfunkel? Ha ha, maybe they should cover one of their songs, not Bridge Over Troubled Water, that's for sure, Homeward Bound, for the day they get out of prison..or maybe 'semtex, mace armalite and lime' to the tune of Parsley, Sage etc. Ha ha..

Whyte went into hiding for 21 years following this post, following a threat of a 'panel beating', not from the IRA but from the rest of the PMC staff.

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