Nice quote on the Park Inn Pribaltiyskaya Hotel in St Petersburg -
"I am Engish and expect at least a
modicum of good manners from hotel staff"
Oh well if you're English that's another matter, eh? How about 'I'm Guatamalan and I expect at least a modicum of hasheesh to be made available to me in room service"...
suddenly the history and drama of a city which has always been a bit different from the green and pleasant land and which, as Leningrad, saw 1.5 million people (more than the population of Estonia) perish in the siege of 1941-44, people reduced to making soup from the glue scraped from cheap furniture and all that, I suppose they ought to have epxected at least a modicum of respect from the Nazis? Fuck off back to Bexhill on Sea or wherever you came from.
Oh well I'm only half English.
Get down on all fours…
22 hours ago